This is a rigorous, yet student friendly set of charts that enable students to compare and contrast multiple texts.
1) Comparing 2 Passages (for use with both fiction and non-fiction)
2) Comparing 3 Passages )for use with both fiction and non-fiction)
3) Comparing/Contrasting Tales/Fables
Students are asked to identify the following:
Genre (Text Type)
Author’s Purpose (and supporting evidence)
Describe the similarities between the texts in their own words
Provide evidence/proof from the text to support the similarities
Describe the differences between the texts in their own words
Provide evidence/proof from the text to support the differences
Explain what they have learned from each piece of text
Students are asked to identify and compare the following literary elements:
Problem (Cause/Effect)
Solution (Who fixed it? How?)
Trickster (The Wise/Clever Character)
Resolution (Lesson Learned)
Theme (Big Idea? Author’s Purpose/Message)
Make a Personal Connection
Here are a few examples with the charts put into use...
Sample of possible text:
Sample of completed student charts (2 passages):
After using these charts, students became much more at ease with comparing and analyzing multiple passages and/or stories.

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