Classroom Anchor Charts and Posters

Reading Comprehension ,
Writing & Language Arts Charts (and maybe a little math too)

Welcome to my Anchor Chart Page.  The charts that I have posted are ones that my students and I have created together in the classroom or I have had permission to post from my colleagues.  Other charts that I have come across and admired, I have pinned on Pinterest (check out my Pinterest boards).  

Figuring Out Figurative Language With Help From Some Angry Birds

Check out this Anchor Chart Linky Party for grades 4-6.  I'm excited to see all of the inspiring ideas and great charts that will be shared!
Solving Word Problems...

Meaningful Mistakes
Number Crunchers...
Partner Practice
Text Structures (Non-Fiction)...

Prepositions with Fred the Worm...
Following Directions...

A Take on Tall Tales...

Positive and Negative Feelings VS Character Traits...

All Kinds of Adverbs...
Six Trait Writing Check List...
Cause and Effect...
Student Complied List of Character Traits...

Question Stems...
Sentence Starters...
Fact VS Inference...
Fact and Opinion...

The "O" TEAM Process...
Making Meaningful Predictions...
Active Learning
Pyramid of Learning....
Retelling (Fiction)...
Setting Up Your Paper Correctly...
Writing a Summary (Organizer)...
Synonyms for Said...
Spicing Up Your Writing
A List of Things Writers Write...
Verbs Anchor Chart...

Angry Birds Verbs Chart...
*This was created to go with my Angry Birds Parts of Speech and Figurative Language Product on 


  1. Oh my anchor charts are a WORK OF ART!!! Absolutely beautiful...this girl will be trying to copy many of yours! Also, thank you for the foldables...I just stumbled upon foldables in the last couple of weeks and have made up my mind to begin using them next year!! I would love any ideas you have for math! Thank you for sharing...I am your newest follower...can't wait for your next blog!

    1. Thank you for the praise...I usually make a sloppy coppy of the charts with the kids and then "cutesify" it up a bit and add some color...the kids love to see the finished charts (as they brag about what they contributed. I hope you are following my "In Love with Flips and Foldables" pinboard. Also you can find me on Facebook at "Working 4 the Classroom".

  2. wow, these are fantastic! Thank you for linking up!

  3. Thank You! I have to thank Stephanie from Teaching in Room 6, for sending me your way to link up.

  4. For some reason I am unable to view any of your charts...there is a big triangle with an exclamation point in the middle...any thoughts as to why this is happening???

    1. Thank you for letting me know...I just had a blog "remodel" and for some reason, this has happened with several other pictures. I will repost the pictures asap!!

    2. HWALKER...I really appreciate you letting me know of the picture issues on this page! Please take a peek at my teacherspayteachers store (the link is on my home page) and choose a product that I can send you as a T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U!! Once you have chosen something, email me at and I will send you the item.

  5. Great, Buket Hanim, I found your "community" very interesting, intellectual, and helpful for the children. You're a hardworking staff! Every luck to you!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Wow!! I am so glad I came upon your blog!! What an awesome resource!! I love hanging up posters in my room so these examples will be very useful to me!!!!!

  8. So glad I stumbled across your anchor charts....great work on keeping middle school students and teachers in the loop!

  9. Have you ever considered making some smaller versions of some of your anchor charts & putting them on TPT?? I'd love to know if you ever decide to do that!!!

  10. Your anchor charts are so amazing!! I grabbed your button and posted a chart here: I Teach. What's Your Super Power? Mine always end up looking like a third grader made it. Maybe I just need more practice! Thanks for sharing your hard work,

  11. Hi, just wanted to let you know I linked to your page today at

    Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

  12. Thank you Pinterest for sending me to your blog! Beautiful and inspiring charts! How do you do it?

    Chickadee Jubilee

  13. Love your anchor charts! Posted one on our Teachers With Apps blog: Thanks!
    Jayne Clare

  14. Teachers will stop at nothing to encourage their students. Check out the motivational video teachers at Margate Elementary made for their students.
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  15. Outstanding post! Thanks for sharing.

  16. I LOVE the wall charts. They are gorgeous!
    Literacy and Math Ideas

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